Magheragall Parish Church

Mothers Union

The Mothers Union meets in the Parish Hall, at 8pm normally on every third Thursday of the month from September to May, with an outing each year in June.

The annual Service for the Lisburn Area takes place on 3.10.06 at 8.00 pm at St Marks. If you need transport to attend, please contact Margaret or Ray.
Our meeting for October takes place in the committee room on Thursday 19th at 8.00 pm, when Roberta Orr will demonstrate flower arranging.
(Roberta is the instructor at the flower arranging classes in the church hall on Tuesdays, organised by the Craft Group).
As usual this meeting is open to anyone.

The theme for Mothers' Union this year is "Answering God's Call", and a Quiet Day - a time of reflection, on this theme will be held in Carnmoney Parish Church on Saturday 21.10.06 from 10.30 am - 1.30 pm
This time of prayer and reflection will be led by Margaret McCammon and the cost is £2 per person which includes lunch.
It is hoped to run a bus from the Lisburn Area, and we need names of those wishing to attend asap. I would encourage members to go - those of us who attended the last quiet day found it very worth while and beneficial.
We are still making and filling sponge bags for local hospitals, and would be glad to receive soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, facecloths etc. Items suitable for children would also be welcome.
Anyone interested in knitting clothes for premature babies - I have patterns available.
TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More.

We hope to welcome some new members - why not come and join them.


Christian care for families worldwide

The purpose of the Mothers' Union is to be especially concerned with all that strengthens and preserves marriage and Christian family life. The aim is the advancement of the Christian religion in the sphere of marriage and family life.

In order to carry out this aim, MU's objectives are:

  • To uphold Christ's teaching on the nature of marriage and promote its wider understanding
  • To encourage parents to bring up their children in the faith and life of the church.
  • To maintain a worldwide fellowship of Christians united in prayer, worship and service.
  • To promote conditions in society favourable to stable family life and protection of children
  • To help those whose family life has met with adversity.

  • Sponge Bags
    Sponge bags are still needed, and reports have come back to say how useful they are and how appreciative those who have received them are. In Lisburn they have gone to Lagan Valley Hospital, Women's Refuge, Simon Community etc. We would ask that you continue to bring in basic items, i.e. Soap, face cloths, tooth paste, tooth brushes, combs - and we will fill the bags and send them on.

    Premature Baby Clothes
    This is another project that is ongoing and I have knitting patterns for anyone wanting to get involves. There is a constant need for new items. When babies are born prematurely, they are susceptible to infections, so if the clothes they are wearing become even slightly soiled, they are removed and washed. With the continual laundering they need replaced frequently.

    We live in times when families and society are facing many changes and challenges, and Mothers' Union as an organisation takes a special interest in Christian Family Life, so if you want the best for your family, come and join us in September

    Mothers’ Union Worldwide is involved in the MAKE POVERTY HISTORY campaign.

    We can make a difference right now by:

    1. Writing a letter to those who make big decisions - Member of Parliament etc. asking them to make decisions to help people in poor countries.
    2. Buying a white wrist band for Making Poverty History
    3. We can pray to God, that He will provide.
    4. We can think about the words in Micah 6:8 And what does the Lord require of you. To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

    The Mothers' Union Prayer
    Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, who gave marriage to be a source of blessing,
    we thank you for family life, with all its joys and sorrows.
    May we know your presence and peace in our homes.
    Fill them with your love and use them to your glory. Bless all
    who are married, and every parent and child.
    Pour out upon us your Holy Spirit, that we may truly love and serve you.
    Bless the members of the Mothers' Union throughout the world,
    unite us in prayer and worship, in love and service,
    that,strengthened by your grace, we may seek to
    do your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    To contact the Mothers Union click here

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